The costly baby business

So I had a pregnancy loss. Surprisingly I am not too mad or overly sad. I just keep on thinking, at least I know I can conceive again naturally and I can do it again. I hope next time, it would be as simple as posting a photo of a positive pregnancy test stick in my blog and just wait for labor. No needle overload, please.

During the course of only three weeks, I have done 12 blood tests. Wait- I can’t make that sound flat – it’s needles, people. Sharp needles punching little nasty holes in the fold of my arm and band-aids that leave a sticky oval shape in my skin. Some nurses are so pro, like they’ve been doing needle poking all their lives that there’s virtually no pain at all. Some have been really painful you’d think they’re getting back at you for stealing their boyfriends. Ouch.

Anyway, those blood work isn’t free along with the probes, ultrasound and other tests I went through (and will go through during the follow up checkups). And having no national health insurance program here, unlike in Japan, it’s expensive. I have spent an ample of amount enough to be able to give birth in the Philippines. TWICE.

Them babies are expensive . We start spending for them even before they are born and long after they come out. Don’t get me wrong, I am not complaining. I guess I’m just being a bitch because even after the expenses, I did not get out of the hospital with a sweet smelling bundle in my arms.


  1. I am so sorry about what happened, but as you said let’s be happy about the positive sign of you being able to conceive naturally.
    I too hate injections and they are one of the main reasons for me to give up everything and put my trust only in God.
    .-= PeachRainbow´s last blog ..50 CSN Stores Giveaway- =-.



  2. I agree, it feels like you are paying the price without getting the goods… But on the bright side you know that you can do it, and hopefully the next time around everything goes well! Stay positive (and out of Burger Kings…) – it will happen!
    Big hug



  3. Dearest Grace,
    I am so sorry that this did not end with a sweet bundle of pooping joy. Darling friend, I will pray each and every day that you and your husband will be blessed with another beautiful child like your daughter Pristine!
    Your friend,
    .-= Maribeth´s last blog ..Family =-.



  4. hai, I have not read your blog for a well. It been hot here, and I lost my sleep someday in the night.
    well, off course , you can.. and I am excite to see your second baby pic from the web pic someday or can see (her,he) real.
    anyway, take care your health. this is the most important, whethere you pregancy or not.



  5. I suffered one too last time…do take good care and practise some post-confinement ritual too(as advised from older folks) so as to ensure your body is back to a good form to try for the next one!
    And yep, indeed it can be a blessings in disguise in the sense that we are capable of “producing” still…I had two healthy kids after the first “lost”.

    All the Best Mommy!

    .-= alohamolly´s last blog ..Busy Temperful Parents =-.



  6. humungous hugs to you, my friend. i wish i could take the pain away and make it all better – if only eh?
    i really admire your positivity – hope that it’s going to be good news for you next time
    wishing you a speedy recovery and that you get back to good health.



  7. I am sorry about the loss, sweetie. It is so hard to go through so much and have that loss. I have been there too. I am glad that you can conceive naturally. I’ll be thinking and sending many positive thoughts your way. I must come back sooner. I have been so wrapped up in my illness that I have missed so much. Be safe and take care of yourself.
    .-= Kelly B´s last blog ..Yard Sale Buying Tips – Freebies and Rebates too =-.



  8. I am so very sorry that you had to go through that.

    I can relate 100% about the costs of babies – even before they are conceived / born. It’s crazy. However, if it all works out, it’s all worth it in the end.

    Don’t give up hope.



  9. Grace, sweetie, I just caught up on everything and I am SO sorry for all that you went through. I know it is so hard to lose a baby, even one that you weren’t expecting. Please know that – even though I have been a really bad bloggy friend lately – I have been thinking about you and beautiful Pristine and my heart and love are with you.
    I am so glad that you can think of a positive in this situation, yes, you can conceive again and I will be praying that you will do so soon. Please allow yourself time to grieve over the loss of your child and know your friends are here for you.
    See you on Twitter. {{{HUGS}}}
    .-= Lorie Shewbridge´s last blog ..Memory Rewind – Baby Nano =-.



  10. I’m so sorry to hear about your loss. I have not experience this but I imagine it must be upsetting. I must say that having a baby is the situation which makes me most glad I live in Canada. I don’t pay to have a baby.



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