The big to-do list disappeared


I’ve not been working for 14 days. If there was anything I learned from this mini vacation of mine, it would be that, I definitely know how to be lazy as opposed to what I thought when I was working and out of the house 6 days a week. While outside the house, I think of so many things and make long to-do lists, including big chores to really do once I have that chunk of time.

My wish was granted – I did had the privilege of getting that chunk of time lately and then suddenly? My to-do list didn’t matter much, some of it didn’t matter at all. Let’s see, I wanted to clean up the full bookshelf, do some spring cleaning of the wardrobe, label things in the kitchen, sort the medicine cabinet, probably hang new curtains, etc, etc but instead I ended up reading 3 books, napping every afternoon for two hours and chat with my mother or aunt or whoever come to my house to visit. Of course I had to blame my mother for it – she screams at my face every time I lift things heavier than a slipper. “You’re on a bed rest advice, lady!” She would say and I’m like, too lazy to argue with her. Fine.

Since school is out, I didn’t have to wake up at 5:30 am to make bento boxes for myself, the husband and Pristine. There was no 7am school bus to catch. Being given the “unfit” bill of health, everyone in the house told me I can sleep as long as I want. Boy, it’s music to my ears. Every working mom should have the luxury of having that at least a few days per year!

I did something worthwhile at home though. No spring cleaning happened but I taught Pristine cursive writing, memorize the multiplication table until 6 and showed her how to make her own bed. Also, she now knows the seven continents (and some countries in it – she loves listing it all out but gave up on Europe), the big oceans and locate them on the map. She didn’t resist any of the teaching sessions we had.

Yeah, I was being a lazy bum but come to think of it, I’ve been really wanting to spend more time with my daughter and kept on talking about it here that I would’ve bored people already with my working mom woe pep talk. And now, I’ve realized some of that dream. I get the taste of being an SAHM (stay at home mom) and I enjoyed every minute of it.

Countdown to being a working mom again: 36 hours.


  1. Like I said, all that time off can be a blessing and a curse! Although I’m happy to hear that you got to spend time with your daughter and a few lessons came out of it 🙂

    And I still have a messy wardrobe and unlabelled things in the kitchen hehehe
    I enjoyed my time at home though and didn’t want to drive to work this morning!

    .-= Kayla´s last blog ..Win It Wednesday7-7 =-.



  2. where did you get that pic?
    the pic is so good, it matches with this post..

    well, If I can stay home 2 weeks… at first what I want to do , is sleep!! LOL



  3. Glad to hear you enjoyed your forced time off! I had a similar experience: my hubby was in the hospital the last 10 days, and I told my boss I would work from home to be able to go to the hospital etc. Even though it was more work (getting my work work done, getting house work done, getting to the hospital, etc.) it still gave me such a sense of freedom and I enjoyed being home way too much!
    Good luck with starting the regular routine again, and feel better!

    I enjoyed my tiime at home too much that I already miss my time there and the afternoon naps already! LOL



  4. You needed that time, Grace. I’m glad it was forced on you. I think sometimes we women try too hard to be too strong and I think there are times we need to kick back and be quiet and good to ourselves.
    .-= Maribeth´s last blog ..Princess Ponderings =-.



  5. am always glad to read/listen of mom-daughter ‘s quality time. been working on that one too. niwei, welcome back to the 8-5 world. have a nice day on going back to office 🙂 I must add, it’s darn hot outside too.

    I just had a 2 hour nap today so I am terrified of tomorrow afternoon at work!! hahaha
    yeah it’s so hot outside I have gone out a couple of times and I can’t believe how hot is ou

    .-= Edez´s last blog ..Weekend Random =-.



  6. Oh yeah! I’m glad you had time to just hang out with your daughter! You will always remember that you did that and not that you didn’t clean your house! 😉

    I am back to work today and realize how nice it was to stay at home..By this time, I would’ve been enjoying an afternoon nap!



  7. never mind the undone planned chores ate G. you had a great bonding time with P and those times are golden more especially to a working mom like you =)



  8. Hope things aren’t too bad when you get back to work.
    Ummmmmmmmmmmmm – I’d love to see photo’s of those Bento Lunches!

    Maybe I’ll post photos of those bento boxes when Pristine comes back to school!

    .-= Neas Nuttiness´s last blog ..Logan Tabernacle =-.



  9. I’m glad that you’re finally enjoying yourself. I must say, I envy you a bit. =D Take it slowly and relax.

    Take Care

    Thanks but don’t envy me now..I’m back to work with a pile in my desk!



  10. I’m so sorry you had to go through what you did, but so happy you got to spend such wonderful time with Pristine and got to get some much needed rest after all that extra work you had to do when you work associates were off for all that time. I sure hope they did YOUR work while you were on your sick leave. The OWE you big time.
    Don’t overdo it when you get back to work, my friend. Maybe some day you will have the chance to be a SAHM full-time with another beautiful baby, my prayers are with you always!
    .-= Lorie Shewbridge´s last blog ..Nano and Mia Make a New Friend =-.



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