Kids Fashion Week, Day 6: Let’s Party!

This is the 6th and last installment of Pristine’s modelling gig. You can read about Day 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 if you missed it.

Well, well, well, the Kids Fashion Week is coming to an end and the last day’s theme is Let’s Party! I didn’t know what to expect except that my mom told me they’d be dressed really beautifully today. M and I were surprised to see our 5 year old daughter looking like a 20 year old!

Kids Fashion Week Day 6

… minus shoes. She removed her shoes before going to the stage saying the new shoes hurt her. I was worried. Can she walk properly with her feet hurting?

And her turn was up.

ramp-collage-1Kids Fashion Week Day 6

Who said anything about new shoes and that they hurt the little feet?

When she came up on stage, the music played on the background was one of her favorites from the movie High School Musical. She was bouncy and dancing on the stage!

At the end of the show, the children gathered for a group photo. This is the point when Pristine always looks confused.


Then she starts playing with her dress.

Kids Fashion Week Day 6

When the kids were asked to gather at the center for a photo, Pristine learned her lesson and never let anyone push her around anymore. She positioned herself well.

Kids Fashion Week Day 6

Only to do this:

Kids Fashion Week Day 6

The new red shoes must have really bothered her after all.

Pristine had lots of fun during the event. She made lots of friends, gained confidence and most of all, was able to get busy for a month. Thanks to the Kids Fashion Week event (ran for a month including their training and practices) she was liberated from summer prison at home.

As the show wrapped up, I couldn’t see through my camera’s viewfinder properly. I was teary-eyed. My very confident girl, looking so mature with makeup and fancy dress still looked little among the crowd.

Kids Fashion Week Day 6

I like it that way. So little yet so poised and brave. I’m not ready for her to grow up just yet.


  1. I think it’s great that you let her do stuff like this. It obviously helped her a lot with her confidence but she maintains to be a little girl and act that way. Is a little pageant coming anytime soon?

    Just wondering, did you provide the dresses (outfits) or did they? Was she able to keep them?

    The outfits were from the sponsors (Benetton, Woolworths, etc) and we weren’t able to keep ANY of it! Weird!! But Pristine had fun and that’s what’s important.

    No little miss pageants..only the modelling gig for now…and if ever it disrupts school, we’ll definitely say no. Maybe next summer vacation again.



  2. You have a little star on your hands. This who experience will be sure to boost her confidence level. That will work great for her in the future. I remember you did a post sometime ago about a speech she did for a school play. This along with that will be ingredients for a greater self.

    (I honestly hope my memory is serving me correctly.)

    Your memory is superb! Yes, she delivered a speech a couple of months back. 🙂 I’m happy that my kid is enjoying her time as well as building self confidence in the process. I was so shy when I was young.



  3. OMG, she looks beautiful… and so happy. I’m glad she had so much fun, and she listened to you and daddy and didn’t let the bigger girls push her out of the way this time!! She stayed out front and was able to be seen — WAY TO GO PRISTINE!!! I’m so proud of her.

    She fought to be at the center..but without incurring injury to others LOL! We are proud of her.



  4. i love to see her walking and dancing….

    She has mastered the art of catwalking to any background music! Come visit us and see hehehe
    Everytime a nice music comes up, she’ll say, “mama, that is doable!”



  5. What a sweet girl. And true, she looks like a 20 years old woman. No offense, but to be honest I think it’s a kind of a shame to let small girls dress up with make up, pumps shoes and everything like an adult.
    But on the other hand, it’s easy to see from the pictures she enjoy it!



  6. That dress, those locks on her hair, and especially those shoes made her push more, and she did just perfectly. Maybe, I could get the same shoes to push my confidence too. I could use them in place of my nursing shoes



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