all our luck seemed to ran out today

We had a very eventful morning today.

First, we woke up really late. Whatever the reason, the alarm clock that used to wake up my husband did not work and I slept really late last night preparing something for my daughter’s school so I asked him there is a big possibility I’ll oversleep. Well, for the first time in a long time, I really did! After a lot of dreams including racing through the wide ocean in a speed boat, I woke up at 6:45!!

Pristine’s bus will pick her up at 7:15 and poor girl is still snoring. In the adjacent room, my mother is still asleep too. We are all tired since the weekend celebrating my birthday and going to the beach.

It’s also lot cooler this morning so I guess that was part of the reason for us to be nailed in bed. I called the school and asked the bus driver she doesn’t need to come as we will be sending P to school. I prepared a quick breakfast, let her eat, prepared our lunchboxes and grabbed something to eat. M scorched himself with a very hot plate from the microwave, dropped it, the plate landed on a full-glass of milk, the glass tripped over, spilled all the milk and the plate finally broke to pieces in the floor!

He was so angry, to himself mostly, and gave up breakfast to clean the mess on the floor and wash the dining chairs soaked with milk.

We finally went out at 7:30, got caught in a terrible traffic and saw a cat carcass on the road (obviously a cat tried to cross the busy street and got squashed). It took me a lot of words and energy to explain to my daughter what was the thing on the road was as she was always asking, “Mom, why there’s a meat in the road?”!

Oh, I hope tomorrow is a better day!


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